We watched a TED talk by Paul Piff called "Money Makes You Mean" during the talk he talked about how people who have money are more self conceited and view themselves as "above the law" and more likely to flaunt their money and things such as this. With all of his examples he came to one quote that really stuck with me, it read; "The American dream is we all have an equal opportunity to succeed and do well." His point to saying this was that the American dream has diminished and turned into the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. But I really analyzed it and thought. What exactly is the American dream? I think everyone has a different opinion on what their dream is as an American. Maybe its to go to college or to start a family or just get a job. Any way you put it its defined as being successful. But it's not always money related. So if you put it that way. Does everyone get an equal opportunity? I think it's what you make of it. Obviously some will be more privileged and it will be easier for others, but over all everyone does have the opportunity to be what they want and become successful. It just matters how hard you are willing to try and what lengths you are willing to go to get what you want. That's the American dream. Its working hard to become successful. Not getting it handed to you because you live in this country.
Hey Sav! I definitely agree with you when you say everyone has a different idea of what the "American Dream" is. He is making a generalization by assuming every ones American dream is to be rich. So many people have many different aspirations and goals in life and to say that everyone just wants money is very ignorant and very one sided. Everyone has the choice to choose what they want to do with their life and all sorts of people from all walks of life live here in America so, all of them are going to have different "American Dreams".